i know but the ones you reccomend are all expensive..
1 more thing i thought of .
have a look at my site , my website is now , 103 mb
70% + actinic
30% sounc clips
do you thing the amout of sections i have on my website is causing the problem maybe the way i have utilised the sections ( approx 500 ) is causing some kind of buffer overload?
i am in the process of uploading my website in actinic ssl server test mode and not using that of my hosting company`s.
i am hoping it will eliminate the problem , as i am in the hope that it is 8hostings ssl server that is incompatible .
so i will let you know of the progress .
my site is over 70mb ( actinic files ) , because of the ammount of sections , which eats bandwith like a jaguar eats petrol
so perhaps there is room for improovement , but as a record shop ,
section text -in atinic means ( record label )
extended info means -( catalouge number )
( that the customer cannot see
short description means ( artist )
long description means ( title )
and product ref means ( my shelf number and location )
so in the end with 7000 records i end up with a unpredictably huge website
any ideas
still uploading my site as we speak .
( thinking )
.....dam updating my site is slow
i know but the ones you reccomend are all expensive..
1 more thing i thought of .
have a look at my site , my website is now , 103 mb
70% + actinic
30% sounc clips
do you thing the amout of sections i have on my website is causing the problem maybe the way i have utilised the sections ( approx 500 ) is causing some kind of buffer overload?
i am in the process of uploading my website in actinic ssl server test mode and not using that of my hosting company`s.
i am hoping it will eliminate the problem , as i am in the hope that it is 8hostings ssl server that is incompatible .
so i will let you know of the progress .
my site is over 70mb ( actinic files ) , because of the ammount of sections , which eats bandwith like a jaguar eats petrol
so perhaps there is room for improovement , but as a record shop ,
section text -in atinic means ( record label )
extended info means -( catalouge number )
( that the customer cannot see

short description means ( artist )
long description means ( title )
and product ref means ( my shelf number and location )
so in the end with 7000 records i end up with a unpredictably huge website
any ideas
still uploading my site as we speak .
( thinking )
.....dam updating my site is slow