Same problem, V9
I have the same problem, I think, as Tamsin. Orders come into Actinic, Pending Payment Service Provider tab. Order therefore not despatched by us. A while later, sometimes weeks, a customer contacts us, "Where is my order?". We search on SagePay (all our payments go through them initially) - they are in failed payments. We search on PayPal and find successful payment there. We apologise to the customer and despatch the goods. Not good.
We have so many orders in the Pending Payment tab that we cannot check every one - it would be a full-time job for somebody, and requiring more than the minimum wage. They would also have to be able to access an Actinic orders screen (another workstation), and have access to both the SagePay and PayPal logins to check the payments (at the moment only accessible by myself and would like to keep it like that).
We have a warning in our Checkout to contact us if they do not receive the confirmation emails, are not taken back to our receipt page, and do not receive an order shipped email, but unfortunately many people do not read anything - just like those who type their credit card number in the Name field for their address.
Can anybody confirm whether this problem is caused by the customer not clicking the return to website link on PayPal, as previously suggested, or whether this would make no difference.
I have the same problem, I think, as Tamsin. Orders come into Actinic, Pending Payment Service Provider tab. Order therefore not despatched by us. A while later, sometimes weeks, a customer contacts us, "Where is my order?". We search on SagePay (all our payments go through them initially) - they are in failed payments. We search on PayPal and find successful payment there. We apologise to the customer and despatch the goods. Not good.
We have so many orders in the Pending Payment tab that we cannot check every one - it would be a full-time job for somebody, and requiring more than the minimum wage. They would also have to be able to access an Actinic orders screen (another workstation), and have access to both the SagePay and PayPal logins to check the payments (at the moment only accessible by myself and would like to keep it like that).
We have a warning in our Checkout to contact us if they do not receive the confirmation emails, are not taken back to our receipt page, and do not receive an order shipped email, but unfortunately many people do not read anything - just like those who type their credit card number in the Name field for their address.
Can anybody confirm whether this problem is caused by the customer not clicking the return to website link on PayPal, as previously suggested, or whether this would make no difference.