I run my own server
And I cannot update Crypt:SSLeay to version 0.60.01 automatically as it is not available from the cpan system. I will have to do this manually.
Digest::MD5 2.52
ActEncrypt1024 Not installed
Exporter 5.58
File::Temp 0.22
LWP::UserAgent 6.04
Crypt::SSLeay 0.60
CGI 3.59
CGI::Carp 3.51
Archive::Zip 1.30
Net::SSL 2.85
And I cannot update Crypt:SSLeay to version 0.60.01 automatically as it is not available from the cpan system. I will have to do this manually.
Digest::MD5 2.52
ActEncrypt1024 Not installed
Exporter 5.58
File::Temp 0.22
LWP::UserAgent 6.04
Crypt::SSLeay 0.60
CGI 3.59
CGI::Carp 3.51
Archive::Zip 1.30
Net::SSL 2.85