Originally posted by george
No announcement yet.
CLARA maintenance
10/10 Jont
at least this year I've got a 3G data card, and not a poxy modem that doesn't work when it rains (Hot season is also wet season).
It also makes me step back and re-evaluate websites that have been built with UK broadband standards.
If you want to do global business you really need to produce sites with good alt tags and css buttons. I turn images off when using the 3G card to keep costs down. I am forever coming across unusable sites.
Losing track of the days with all these late nights / early mornings .... if you are talking about Saturday then yes... had all my sites return bizarre error messages for a couple of hours throughout the day. Seems to be business as usual at the moment again.
The network status mentioned something about road works in the area of the exchange but this was only affecting delivery lorries .... the guys inside probably melted due to the inability of the ice-cream van to get within 50 yards of the building!
Having just spoken to support:
They are aware of 'issues' due to heavy loads, and are in the process of balancing loads.
New servers are on order and should be in place by end of the week.
Dosen't help me a lot as I can't FTP my site at all at the moment
Haven't we been here before???
New servers were supposed to have solved the issue of 3 trillion people trying to share 1 server some time last year if memory serves me right!
I'm guessing my £400plus VAT pa isn't buying more than a tiny fraction of a server.
The service status page can now be found at:
(Claranet are not paying me for issuing this service announcement!)
roll on the end of this contract....