im a girl
I will admit to answering questions that have been asked before, mainly because it's easier that looking up the old thread and posting the link and if people don't like that - then tough, I have no mission to force people to use the forum in a certain way, I just like to help where I can. Actually being more honest here, I usually give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they have tried but if in the course of a thread it becomes clear that someone is just leeching information without thinking for themselves at all, I just ignore them ... and add them to my list.
A thread was started a while ago with a list of common issues (Lee started it I think) and that is the way to stop people asking the same questions again and again, make sure that useful information is easily accessible, but I don't see the thread being updated on a regular basis with new solutions, which is a shame.
... tell you what else really annoys me, if when you try to help someone and they are rude ... or if they insist on someone from Actinic replying, grrr again.