With their lack of response one presumes that they are either too busy or not interested, so either way we need some software to use. What shall we do here, donations towards buying actinic or do we look at something different instead?
good idea old bean...
I will gladly assist in the purchase of said product using the available maximum discounts
You need to be more direct and ask Actinic if they will donate some software, it's unlikey that they will offer in here until something more definate is decided. I've just emailed and asked.
We will donate £300 worth of Mole End software and if no one else jumps in to do this will customise the invoice report (add a logo, make it beautiful etc - value £100) the latter being depending on the timing for the event (ie: if it's on a weekend I'm away I will have to do it before or after that).
We will also donate 2 boxes of integrated label paper, value around £83.91 if they want single label or £97.41 for double).
Relies on the site being an Actinic site though, if it's not then this offer is withdrawn because it won't be of much use we would still do want we could to help though, testing the site maybe.
Actually we have no choice but to use actinic as it needs to be a community thing we do and that is all that most of the community knows.
So a rough idea on what we need is:
Actinic Catalog - donations £400 required here
Hosting - 5GB monthly bandwidth for first year
Outer Layout
Inner Layout
Product, Fragment & Section Layouts
Cart & Checkout
Report Modifications
Product listing
Image preparation
If i maintain a master list of what is needed in another thread and as things are taken up or things need to be added i will add to stuff in there, if we keep that thread for the info and this one for the chat.
So name please people on what you woudl like to offer or provide and then we need to have a central person to bring this all together. Suggestions please and we will go with the majority.
i have crystal reports and can add logos or whatever to the invoice
i can donate raffle/auction goodies
i have a media/consumables business and the lingerie
but im also interested in the main prize
as my media site i took down a while ago needs redoing etc
LMK people
Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
Current project:
Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend
Gareth it is gearing up to be a super prize and as it is going to be a public thing, costs, donations will be out in the open, what are you willing to pay for the package you can see being built on the other thread? If that is the prize we do, then it is the donation that is the key thing here.
I've advertised in a couple of places for a website buyer but have given the other link, should I change it to this one - I thought that this might be confusing for a non-community person.
Prob best on the other one i think, not really sure, as i add to the info it will become more clear. Can anyone who mentioned they were interested in this, confirm so again please and i will update the master list.
PS - Isn't this Bumpsy's job, slacking already i see, probably down the launderette jabbering away
It might also be nice to allow people to donate a small sum of money that will just be added to the sum raised, that way everyone can help if they want to.
Yep good idea, in fact rather than donations to a specific item, we could pool them and they could then buy the things we did not get donated, what ya think?
I think the other one is better as well - do you need someone to do an overall design as well as having someone to code the inner and outer layouts? I would expect the purchaser will want to work on that before the day to make sure that they are getting what need.
I am around on that date by the way so I can do the report mods, no problems.
Good idea re: pooling the money - but other than the essential purchases, it would be good if it could go straight to the charity - we don't want to end up with a donated cake that costs £5 to make and is sold for £2 (one of my pet hates about school life).