The last snippet is the GC integration, now this is much easier for us, as I have built the cart from scratch (TBH it ain't that hard) but I have to say, on the surface, integration looks seamless and I have scoped 60 man hours for this, BUT our code is not as established or multi-facet integrated as Actinic and IMHO our added features are not suited to the home/non-db orientated user
So IYHO if a company that was working for you, the customer, scoped 4,800-6,400 hours (600-800 days), you might think this was a bit excessive?
In conclusion, Actinic is fantastic for beginner, intermediate companies with less than 5k items, anything greater then careful evaluation is needed to look at your local IT resource blah blah blah....
Exactly my point - you cannot compare it to the likes of DABS, BOOTs, AMAZON and some of the bespoke systems out there that are managed by huge teams. eg Tesco spend 100K a month on SEO alone
This is not a thread about comparing Actinic to anything - ITS A WISH THREAD - ie do you want GC YES or NO simple
As I think I posted ages ago, I would like GC, but I'll probably pay up for Actinic anyway.
Actually, I'm finding this thread fascinating. Don't stop now. Especially the stuff about why would a new user (i.e. me) choose Actinic anyway. I've still got another 17 days before I have to commit myself.
- Justin Hill(Half-to-three-quarters-baked Mac expert, laptop evangelist and vintage Hammond enthusiast)
They may all have GC BUT whats the big deal about GC anyway its just another PSP. Last year I looked at all of the above because I was so pxxxed off with V8 and Ive stuck with V8 - not because Ive invested money in it but because IMO it is better.
At the end of the day a couple of grand is not a lot in the big picture so if people think they can find a better ecommerce cart then they should move if they think it will be good for business.
That's the problem people can't move because they've invested time and money into Actinic. I myself have bought 4 different copies of Actinic from V6, V7 catalog, business and developer. I paid a web designer for 2 years to work for me. I've got a custom back end order processing system in place etc. Most importantly I've got rankings with Google. To change to a different product would jeopardise all that. This is the reason why Actinic have become complacent and don't listen to their customers any more.
Their problem is they started with a product that 6 years ago was brilliant and state of the art. As time has moved on Actinic has not and the product is looking dated. As they've invested so much time into the product they can't change it to perhaps a server based product like many other products out there. If they did this would solve a number of problems such as stock control.
Originally posted by RuralWeb
They may all have GC BUT whats the big deal about GC anyway its just another PSP. Last year I looked at all of the above because I was so pxxxed off with V8 and Ive stuck with V8 - not because Ive invested money in it but because IMO it is better.
At the end of the day a couple of grand is not a lot in the big picture so if people think they can find a better ecommerce cart then they should move if they think it will be good for business.
also it is quite funny how the people who aren't interested in GC don't actually sell anything online, they offer a service to other people.
Give it a rest - who started the GC thread! me - if I was not interested I would not have started it.
it is also frustrating that these people are the ones who post the most so it looks like the majority, when in fact it is the minority
Its this minority who answer your stupid questions every day - there is a wish list thread where people can vote - the numbers are IMO still low for those who want it.
Get off your high horse - information has been posted on how to implement GC if you were interested you would do it
also it is quite funny how the people who aren't interested in GC don't actually sell anything online, they offer a service to other people.
it could also be that we have also canvassed our clients for thier opinions, and found that they too are ambivilant. Most of my clients have said they are happy with their current providers and will consider adding GC down the line, just like they have addied Paypal and Nochex as extra choices whilst still takingthe majority of CC payment via their mainstay PSP (ie Protx, worldpay, SSL, HSBC).
It would be good to actually place a vote rather than commenting, does this forum support that - where you vote on an issue and it keeps a total of the different answers. Discussions could be held elsewhere then, I think it would be better.
It's not true that the people that post most on here don't have shops, most have shops and offer services actually.
It would be good to actually place a vote rather than commenting, does this forum support that - where you vote on an issue and it keeps a total of the different answers. Discussions could be held elsewhere then, I think it would be better.
It's not true that the people that post most on here don't have shops, most have shops and offer services actually.
I too would like Google checkout, but only as an extra PSP add on at some stage.
If it would take as much work as Actinic say then I would rather they spent the time on other aspects of the software.
Google checkout would be nice at some stage but a working, reliable copy would be better. As mentioned on another thread, auto update would in my opinion be better.