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Stock not updating with components

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    Stock not updating with components

    This is driving me potty! I had this working at one point... I have a kit comprising 3 components (each of which is available as an individual product) I want the stock control updated for all 3 products if the kit is purchased. I have the stock monitoting OFF on the kit, and ON in the components (each of which is set to use associated product name, but not price). I am not getting stock control updated when the kit is purchased.

    This is may be my fault, because I tried to stop the invoice showing 4 apparent purchases - kit + 3 parts, and deleted the component display for the invoice. This is the only thing I can remember doing, but I can't work out where I did it, and I have searched for files changed on the appropriate date, etc.

    Any help gratefully received...
    New Year - new YOU!
    (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -

    Are you testing this "error" by creating "new orders" offline?
    Just that I noticed that the stock control of items with components doesn't always work (haven't had the time to check if it's always the case) with offline orders.
    Have you tested the stock control by placing an order through the website at all?
    I don't have any problems with the stock control and online orders but I do with offline (which reminds me, I just did an offline order with a component/choice so had better check the stock level of that item now! Thanks!!)
    Has anyone else had this problem?


      I have been doing it through the website by specifying pay by cheque. Have processed the orders fully, shipping, invoicing, etc... Anyone got an ice-pack handy?!!!
      New Year - new YOU!
      (remove that cellulite before the summer comes -


        Hi there

        Yes there is a bug with offline ordering and products with choices. We will get this fixed in a future release.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Originally posted by Nadeem
          Hi there

          Yes there is a bug with offline ordering and products with choices. We will get this fixed in a future release.

          Kind Regards
          Did it, Nadeem?
          Because I'm using 7.0.5 and I still have the same issues now.


            Hi Tracey

            According to the 7.0.5 release notes, the problem with the stock levels of associated products in OFFLINE orders not decrementing correctly was fixed. Are you still experiencing this problem then?

            I put 'offline' in capitals as there is still an outstanding ONLINE problem with stock levels of associated products not decrementing if the main (master) product is not stock monitored - but there is a clear workaround for this one (stock monitor the master products).

            Also, the problem you experienced with the stock levels of PSP-pending orders going down incorrectly when shipping items has been fixed in 7.0.6.

            It would be good just to get an update of where you are at with these problems, becuase you should have seen some improvement in your upgrade to 7.0.5 - but the fact you had all those weird shipping issues makes me wonder if there are some particular problems with your store data that our team need to take a look at.


              I think my store just has "issues" in general!

              Typically, I can't replicate the problems I'm haivng with offline stock control but I know it is happening because some of my stock levels are well out on items I've placed offline orders from.
              It's got to the point where I've deiced to check stock levels of offline order items BEFORE placing the order and check again that they are reduced after processing the order!
              I'll try to report if/when I next have a problem.

              the big stock control problem for me is the fact thatI am unable to stop somone ordering more than I have in stock when using components etc, even if the associated products stock control (and max orderable qty) is correct.
              That this post here

              I cannot use stock control on the main product either becuase, if I set it to 1 (if one of the associated products has a stock level of 1) then customers cannot order more than one colour in that product (and many of my customers order same product in 2 or more colours)
              If I set the main product max orderable qty to more than one, then isn't Actinic going to allow customer to still order 2 of something even though the associated product has a stock level of 1? As it does now.
              Did that even make any sense?!

              TBH, my main problem is with shipping. I have with, for starters, offline orders but, more importantly (as I'm unable to "workaround" them) with manual order adjustments (added items/exchanges etc)
              It just does it's own thing but I'm hoping (from the 7.0.6 release notes) that this is fixed in this next patch?

              Sorry to go on. I have so much trouble with stock control, its no joke any more! My stock levels on site vs in stockroom must be so out of whack ,I daren't check!!


                I have exactly the same problems

                Hi all,

                I don't believe this was fixed in 7.0.6 (as this is the version I'm running) and I have the same problems. Specifically:

                I have a product available in various colours and sizes and each combination has a different level of stock available. For example, a 'blue size 12' might have a stock level of 10, whereas a 'blue size 10' might only have a level of 5 and a 'green size 12' might have 20 in stock.

                What I believe should happen, is that you set up a hidden product for each of these combinations and apply a stock level to it. Then, you use these hidden products as associated products in the permutations tab of the main product so that when someone selects 'green' from one drop down list and 'size 12' from another in the main product Actinic looks at the data for the 'green size 12' hidden product. I believe that this data should include the available stock level. However, it doesn't appear to as it's quite possible for orders to be placed below the stock level.

                Hope that makes sense.

                OXLink Web Design (Oxford)
                Actinic developers since version 3
                01865 361696


                  That's the problem I have and that isn't what I was referring to being fixed in 7.0.6 though.
                  I believe the shipping issues I have in 7.0.5 have been addressed in 7.0.6 but I'm holding off on patching just yet, just in case!!

                  Patching from 7.0.4 to 7.0.5 was my biggest mistake to date.. not looking to repeat that in a hurry!


                    Hi there

                    I've been trying to reproduce this problem on a clean 7.0.6 installation with no luck. Could you explain to me what I am doing wrong?

                    1) I have created a basic product called 'T-shirt' which is not stock monitored. It has a price of £5.00.

                    2) I then created three hidden products called 'Small T-Shirt', 'Medium T-Shirt' and 'Large T-Shirt'. Each of these also have a price of £5.00. Each of these also is stock monitored with a stock level of '1'.

                    It is worth mentioning here that my 'Suspend if below' level for my store is '2' so these products are out of stock.

                    3) I then create a component called 'selection' within the main t-shirt product, and then an attribute called 'size' within that and three choices - 'S', 'M' and 'L'

                    4) I set up the 'Permutations' tab of 'Selection' to associate 'S', 'M' and 'L' with the three hidden products.

                    When I go online and try and order any t-shirt, I get a message about 'Selection' being out of stock.

                    Other info:
                    I have tried it with a pricing model of both 'Product Price' and 'Component Prices' with the same result.
                    I have tried it with various shopping modes, and I get the same message each time.

                    Is there anything here I am doing differently from you guys?


                      ok... it's not an issue with allowing customers to order out of stock items, Chris.
                      The problem is that it is allowing customers to order MORE than there are in stock.

                      Say each product (small, medium and large) have a stock level of 1 (with max orderable the same as stock level)
                      Stock monitoring is OFF on main product (as its unnecessary) and max qty orderable for this main product is left as defaul (0, I think?)
                      It's not set as 1 as this would mean a customer could only order ONE of any combination (ok, so they wouldn't want a medium and a large probably but if the choices are colours, its feasible to expect they may want 2 or more)

                      However, this mean that a customer can order 2 of one size/colour, irrespective of the stock control options (max orderable qty and stock level) of the associated product.

                      So, customer orders 2, you only have one, stock level then becomes -1.

                      Phew!! Does that make any sense!!


                        Phew!! Does that make any sense!!
                        It does make sense.

                        I have changed the 'Max Quantity Orderable' on my 'Small T-Shirt' to be '1'. When I try and add to cart, I still get an out of stock message.

                        There must be another setting in your store which is causing the out of stock warnings to not appear when an out-of-stock option is selected.

                        What is your 'Suspend If Below' level set to for your store/products? If the associated product is not marked as being 'out of stock' (i.e. below the suspend threshhold) it is possible to order enough to take you into negative quantities.

                        e.g. my 'suspend if below' level is set to '0', I have two in stock, someone orders 3. This will not cause an error online.


                          Originally posted by cdicken
                          It does make sense.

                          I have changed the 'Max Quantity Orderable' on my 'Small T-Shirt' to be '1'. When I try and add to cart, I still get an out of stock message.

                          There must be another setting in your store which is causing the out of stock warnings to not appear when an out-of-stock option is selected.
                          OK, it's NOT allowing completely out of stock itesm to be ordered at all. That isn't a problem.

                          Originally posted by cdicken
                          What is your 'Suspend If Below' level set to for your store/products? If the associated product is not marked as being 'out of stock' (i.e. below the suspend threshhold) it is possible to order enough to take you into negative quantities.

                          e.g. my 'suspend if below' level is set to '0', I have two in stock, someone orders 3. This will not cause an error online.
                          Isn't that the problem though?

                          Stock monitoring on main product is OFF (max orderable default at 0)
                          Stock monitoring on associated product ON.
                          Stock level 2, max orderable 2 (updates with stock control mole) and suspend level 0.
                          Yet it WILL allow a customer to order 3 leaving my stock levels at -1
                          Basically, it's ignoring the "Max orderable" on the associated product in favour of reading the "max orderable" on the main product.
                          If you follow me!


                            Apologies. I was testing the stock control features rather than the max-quantity orderable features.

                            OK - this problem is still outstanding.

                            The only thing I can suggest is to take your 'suspend if below' level above '0' to '1' or something, and then change the out of stock message. You will find this in 'Design | Text' (Phase: -1 and ID: 297) so something like 'We have temporarily suspended online ordering of this item due to low stock levels. Please call us at XXXX to see whether the item you require is available.<!-- %s -->'


                              ugh.. don't like the sound of that option at all! kinda makes the whole feature a bit of a farce!
                              Will the issue be addressed in future releases/patches, Chris, as surely it's not functioning as it should do?

