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Daves guide to Google Analytics with Actinic

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    I emailed Google help and they suggested I follow this:

    If your website initiates a purchase checkout process on a separate store site
    (for example, if you send customers from to

    1. Add the following lines (in bold) to your tracking code on both your store site and your shopping cart pages:

    <script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script type="text/javascript">

    2. If you send information to your shopping cart using forms, use the __utmLinkPost() function. It appends cookie data to the provided URL of the supplied form.

    <form action="" onSubmit="javascript:__utmLinkPost(this)">
    So I have added the modified tracker code to the templates originally mentioned and modified the act_OCCNochexTemplate.html to look like
    <FORM NAME="formOCC" METHOD="post" ACTION="NETQUOTEVAR:OCC_URL" onSubmit="javascript:__utmLinkPost(this)">
    					<TD ALIGN="right">
    						<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME='\"SUBMIT\"' VALUE="Next>">
    Does not appear to have broken anything in respect of being able to buy from the site, but only 24 hours will tell if this solves the problem!



      <script type="text/javascript">
      <!- utmi += " UTM:I|" + utmordernumber + "|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODREF|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME|STOCK BAGS|" + utmprice + "|NETQUOTEVAR:QUANTITY";-->
      I think that this will only work if all our products have category STOCK BAGS. We might be better off using NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONLEVEL or similar, assuming there is an appropriate NVQ available here. If not, a value could perhaps be passed from the referring page...
      Developer v7.0.5;
      Dulcie Angel Bridal Accessories
      Medscope Medical Diagnostic Equipment


        Just one thing I have picked up... If your taking card details manually then and have a secure server set up then the bit of code in Act_CheckoutPrimary.html that reads:

        <script src="" type="text/javascript">

        needs to read:

        <script src="" type="text/javascript">

        Notice the https instead of http.

        Using standard SSL - have followed to the letter installing analytics. Haven't broken site, but was getting 4 "secure/non secure" warning pop ups.

        1. One on go to check out
        2. One after selecting shipping destination
        3. One after entering name & address
        4. One after entering payment details and clicking next to go to receipt page.

        Have changed http to https as above - have also changed it in Act_ReceiptPrimary.html. This seems to have cured the warning pop ups.

        The only place I haven't changed it is in Act_Primary.html.

        However, now I'm getting security certificate warning messages in IE 6 and 7(but not in deepnet explorer), and error on page triangle warnings on all three.

        Out of the frying pan and into the fire?! Apart from taking the whole thing out again, is there something I've missed?

        Any help gratefully received - regards - Helen


          Hi Helen.
          Are you using Actinic's shared SSL?
          Can you post a URL so we can take a look?



            Hi Dave

            Thanks for your reply. I'm going to speak with server bods this morning to see what the set up is. In our business settings we have SSL on checkout/customer log in pages only, and in configure settings its on standard SSL (not shared). This all works fine, yellow padlock shown, https in address bar etc, no warnings!

            I've had to take the analytics code out for now to prevent loss of business (our customers would run a mile if they saw these warnings) so nowt to look at right now.

            Done some more searching on the forums and this all seems to point to some conflict happening when you put the google code in and SSL settings. If I get a result, I'll post back as I sure couldn't find a straight forward answer from the forum on how to fix this.

            Thanks - Helen


              For the product category, I think perhaps NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME is the one. See this post for a list of NVQs available to pass into google's transaction tracking.
              Developer v7.0.5;
              Dulcie Angel Bridal Accessories
              Medscope Medical Diagnostic Equipment


                Originally posted by oldhasbeen
                Using standard SSL - have followed to the letter installing analytics. Haven't broken site, but was getting 4 "secure/non secure" warning pop ups.

                1. One on go to check out
                2. One after selecting shipping destination
                3. One after entering name & address
                4. One after entering payment details and clicking next to go to receipt page.

                Have changed http to https as above - have also changed it in Act_ReceiptPrimary.html. This seems to have cured the warning pop ups.

                The only place I haven't changed it is in Act_Primary.html.

                However, now I'm getting security certificate warning messages in IE 6 and 7(but not in deepnet explorer), and error on page triangle warnings on all three.
                I changed the https in all the pages inc Act_Primary.html and I haven't had any error messages for IE6 however I haven't tested it on IE7 yet.
                Helen - also note that the code for https has changed since Remmo first posted should now be: "" type="text/javascript">

                Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                  Thanks Dave


                  I'd just like to ad my thanks to the pile - without people like yourself it owuld be impossible for people like me to operate without incuring huge charges from IT prof. It is truely appreciated.

                  Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                    No problem Donna. Glad to be of help. I've also gained a LOT from other users of this forum so it's nice to be able to make a contibution. Good luck with your site!


                      reporting data


                      I have looked at my analytics section today - wow that takes a PHD in itself! Anyway I can see conversion data - the number of orders it say we got matches the number that came through fo rthat day - but when I look at the cpc campaign section there is no data reporting. I have put the auto tagging on will this cure it or has it just not updated itself yet. I can see impressions, clicks etc for the previous day (no conversions as the data was not live) but nothing for the yesterday when I put the code live.

                      Any help appreciated... D

                      Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                        Helen - also note that the code for https has changed since Remmo first posted should now be: "" type="text/javascript">
                        Hi Donna - thanks for that. And thanks to all for their input. I've managed to get the adwords tracking working again so at least we can now see what conversions we're getting. Donna, as you say, the analytics side is a whole new world of pain, so we're putting this on the back burner for a while until the shock of getting back to work has passed

                        Regards - Helen


                          Any help greatly appreciated ....

                          Hi all

                          I have entered Dave's code as per his initial post but am running with the etc version as we run our our secure certificate. Google analytics is showing Goal conversion %'s, defined funnel information, etc but the amount of the sale etc is not showing in the ppc section or the other sections.

                          I read one of the threads that said remove the style="display:none" and your receipt page will show you what is being sent to google. So I did this and the pixel is empty - but I can't work out why. I have checked my code against Dave's and it all seems to be the same.

                          I am now totally at a loss as to what to do and owuld appreciate any help, thoughts etc anyone can give.

                          Many thanks


                          Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                            Hi Donna.
                            Can you cut and paste the source for your receipt page? (Put a dummy order through your site and do 'view source' on the receipt page and then cut and paste.) One of us might be able to spot the problem.




                              Source below. When I look at it it has stored the values correctly i.e. order value was £26 and order no correct, but no product details?

                              Analytics will show a G1 visit but will not show any more details. The £ value ROI data etc will not show anywhere and will not detail against our PPC.

                              Could there be something i've missed in the source or do you think I've missed something in google set up. Getting this to work will really help our business survive so any help will be greatfully appreciated. (ps. please not google told me to change the script language line to read script type etc

                              Thanks in advance

                              <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Little Eskimo Receipt</TITLE><BASE HREF=""><META NAME="ACTINICTITLE" CONTENT="Receipt"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="ActinicKey" CONTENT="4f7d47bed3b8ec7571f3b229808423640">
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                              <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="5" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="600" ALIGN="CENTER"><tr><td bgcolor="#f5d3e4"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><strong>This is your receipt</strong></td><td align="right"><strong>This is not a tax invoice</strong></td></tr></table></td></tr><TR><TD CLASS="actxsmall"> Print this page and keep it for your records. If you need to contact us, refer to the "Order Number" below. <P> <BR><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT CELLPADDING=2><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> Customer&nbsp;Services&nbsp;Manager<BR> Little&nbsp;Eskimo<BR> 34&#45;35&nbsp;Braintree&nbsp;Enterprise&nbsp;Centre<BR> 46&nbsp;Springwood&nbsp;Drive<BR> Braintree<BR> Essex<BR> CM7&nbsp;2YJ<BR> United&nbsp;Kingdom<BR></TD><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> Phone&nbsp;0845&nbsp;451&nbsp;2002<BR> Fax&nbsp;01376&nbsp;560707<BR> Email: <A HREF=""></A><BR> URL: <A HREF=""></A><BR></TD></TR></TABLE><BR CLEAR=ALL><BR><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="570"><TR><TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Customer Details</SPAN></TH><TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Deliver To:</SPAN></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="2"><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> mrs&#32;Donna&#32;Kempster&nbsp; 34&#45;35&nbsp;braintree&nbsp;enterprise&nbsp;centre<BR> braintree<BR> essex<BR> cm7&nbsp;2yn<BR> Phone&#58;&nbsp;123123123<BR> Email&#58;&nbsp;donna&#64;littleeskimo&#46;com<BR> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="2"><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> mrs&#32;Donna&#32;Kempster&nbsp; 34&#45;35&nbsp;braintree&nbsp;enterprise&nbsp;centre<BR> braintree<BR> essex<BR> cm7&nbsp;2yn<BR> Phone&#58;&nbsp;123123123<BR> Email&#58;&nbsp;donna&#64;littleeskimo&#46;com<BR> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR> </TABLE><BR><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="570"><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Date:</B></TD><td BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">12 January 2007</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Order Number:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">DK72YN10000727</TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Payment method:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">Credit Card</TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Credit Card:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">Mastercard</TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Terms and Conditions:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">Accepted</TD></TR> </TABLE><BR> <P><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Shopping Basket (Prices include VAT)</B></SPAN><TABLE NOBORDER><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH="620" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="2" ALIGN=CENTER><TR> <TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=80><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">PRODUCT CODE</SPAN></TH> <TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=300><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">DESCRIPTION</SPAN></TH><TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=80><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">QUANTITY</SPAN></TH> <TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=60><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">PRICE</SPAN></TH><TH BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=60><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">COST</SPAN></TH> </TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3" BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100% CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0><TR> <TD WIDTH=90><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">DVAF</SPAN></TD> <TD WIDTH=280><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">All&#32;A&#32;Flutter&#32;Duvet&#32;Cover&#32;and&#32;Pillow&#32;Case&#32;Set</SPAN></TD><TD WIDTH=60 ALIGN=RIGHT><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">1</SPAN></TD></TR></TABLE></TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">&#163;22&#46;50</SPAN></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">&#163;22&#46;50</SPAN></TD> </TR><TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="4"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Subtotal</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">&#163;22&#46;50</SPAN></TD> </TR> <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="4"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Shipping (postage and packing)</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#f9e3ee"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">&#163;3&#46;50</SPAN></TD> </TR><TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="4"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Total</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#f5d3e4"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">&#163;26&#46;00</SPAN></B></TD> </TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=HOME VALUE=""><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=ACTION VALUE="Thank you for your order. Click here to continue."><BR></DIV><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                              <!--// [ start cj tracking ]
                              var oid,amt;
                              oid = 'DK72YN10000727';
                              amt = unescape(eval('2600/100'));
                              document.writeln('<img src=\"https:\/\/\/u?AMOUNT='+amt+'&CID=1501871&OID='+oid+'&TYPE=307633&CURRENCY=GBP&METHOD=IMG\"height=\"1\"width=\"20\">');
                              // [end cj tracking]-->
                              </script><script language="javascript">

                              var mid = '132946';
                              var cust_type = '';
                              var order_value = '26%2e00';
                              var order_id = 'DK72YN10000727';
                              var units_ordered = '';
                              </script><script language="javascript" src=""></script><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
                              <!-- Overture Services Inc. 07/15/2003
                              var cc_tagVersion = "1.0";
                              var cc_accountID = "2734853910";
                              var cc_marketID = "1";
                              var cc_protocol="http";
                              var cc_subdomain = "convctr";
                              if(location.protocol == "https:")
                              var cc_queryStr = "?" + "ver=" + cc_tagVersion + "&aID=" + cc_accountID + "&mkt=" + cc_marketID +"&ref=" + escape(document.referrer);
                              var cc_imageUrl = cc_protocol + "://" + cc_subdomain + "" + cc_queryStr;
                              var cc_imageObject = new Image();
                              cc_imageObject.src = cc_imageUrl;
                              // -->
                              </SCRIPT> <br><br> </FORM>
                              </TD></TR></TABLE></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><form style="display:none" name="utmform"><textarea id="utmtrans"></textarea></form><script type = "text/javascript">
                              var realprice = 2600/100;
                              var line1 = 'UTM:T|DK72YN10000727|affiliation|'+ realprice +'|tax|shipping|city|state|';
                              Var line2 = 'UTM:I|DK72YN10000727|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME|category|price|quantity';
                              document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;

                              Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                                Hi Donna.
                                There's a small problem in your code. It's a very subtle one but enough to stop it from working...

                                On the following line, the 'var' must all be lower case. Yours has a capital v.

                                Var line2 = 'UTM:I|DK72YN10000727|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME|category|price|quantity';
                                document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;

                                Also, it looks like your </BODY> and </HTML> tags are the wrong way round.
                                The </BODY> close tag should be before the </HTML> close tag. This won't be anything to do with the problem but you should probably correct it.

                                Good luck!


