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Daves guide to Google Analytics with Actinic

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    Changes made, will sit back and wait. Thanks for all your help, soo appreciated. Dx

    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


      To get Dave's Google Analytics code to work with WorldPay, you need that customer to return to the receipt page.

      You can do that by modifying your WorldPay 'resultY.html' page.
      To learn more about modifying WorldPay payment pages, read their instructions
      at Customising WorldPay Payment pages

      What I did was to start with their Actinic resultY.html and then change the 'View Merchant Receipt' text to 'Continue...'

      I only made the change yesterday, and every one of our customers followed the instructions and got to the receipt page.

      Up to this point (over three years) we have had very few customers return to the receipt page once they had completed their world pay transaction!

      This should also hopefully improve our AdWords conversion tracking.
      Eileen Eby


        Originally posted by Eileen
        To get Dave's Google Analytics code to work with WorldPay, you need that customer to return to the receipt page.

        You can do that by modifying your WorldPay 'resultY.html' page.
        To learn more about modifying WorldPay payment pages, read their instructions
        at Customising WorldPay Payment pages

        What I did was to start with their Actinic resultY.html and then change the 'View Merchant Receipt' text to 'Continue...'

        I only made the change yesterday, and every one of our customers followed the instructions and got to the receipt page.

        Up to this point (over three years) we have had very few customers return to the receipt page once they had completed their world pay transaction!

        This should also hopefully improve our AdWords conversion tracking.

        I too use WorldPay but having downloaded resultY.html from their site I cannot see the text to which you refer. Is there a special Actinic version and if so where can I d/l it from. TIA.
        Steve Donovan
        Located in Cheltenham. Gloucestershire.


          Hi Steve,
          If you use the table of contents, and open the section "Customising the Result Pages" you will see:
          Cart-specific Implementations

          The following additional requirements relate to specific shopping cart implementations of the result pages:

          * Actinic results templates - additional parameters required in the result pages for Actinic Catalog users
          follow that link!

          I am really liking the Google Analytics.... it has been nearly a week since I did the tweak for An Qi's suggestion to show product tracking and it is VERY great to be able to compare CPC vs Organic conversions.

          When I next get some time, I'll create a funnel to track people who leave the site at each stage of the checkout process, including not coming back to the site from World Pay.

          But nearly everyone is now returning to the result page and it makes for great statistics the way it is currently set up.

          Eileen Eby


            Thank you! Couldn't see the wood for the trees.
            Steve Donovan
            Located in Cheltenham. Gloucestershire.


              I've now got a funnel defined and working, including tracking WorldPay.

              here is a link to how I got it to work:

              Eileen Eby



                We have got most of this working on our site. Just trying to remove the comma out of the NETQUOTEVAR:PRICE that is sent to Google, but keep it in the site display. Anyone any ideas how to do this?



                  Try changing this bit of code:

                  utmprice = "NETQUOTEVAR:PRICE";


                  utmprice = "NETQUOTEVAR:PRICE".replace(",","");

                  This will only works for the first comma in the string.

                  Toby Blanchard


                    I followed Daves guide and it worked fine apart from not showing any goal conversions as we use a 3rd party PSP (secure hosting). Managed to get round this problem by uploading the google analytics receipt page code into the secure hosting receipt template. I now have all my goal conversions showing perfectly but when I go into campaign ROI the only campaign that is showing revenue is the referral campaign and my whole sites revenue is shown as coming from referrals from my homepage. Any ideas?


                      Has the following changed for V8 users?

                      Originally posted by domino1
                      The following describes what I have done to get Google Analytics working with Actinic. Use it at your own risk and keep in mind that if you've edited your template files the following may not be 100% compatible.

                      1) Place the following code in Act_BrochurePrimary.html, Act_Primary.html and Act_PrimaryCheckout.html using your own Google Analytics number where indicated. This code needs to go in the <HEAD> section.

                      <script src="" type="text/javascript">
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                      _uacct = "YOUR GOOGLE ANALYTICS NUMBER";

                      2) Place the following code in Act_ReceiptPrimary.html using your own Google Analytics number where indicated. This code needs to go in the <HEAD> section. Note that receipt.html is a non-existent file.

                      <script src="" type="text/javascript">
                      <script type="text/javascript">
                      _uacct = "YOUR GOOGLE ANALYTICS NUMBER";

                      3) Edit the Onload control in the <BODY> tag of Act_ReceiptPrimary.html to include javascript:__utmSetTrans().

                      For example:


                      should look like this afterwards...

                      OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD ; javascript:__utmSetTrans() ;"

                      4) Place the following code at the bottom of Act_ReceiptPrimary.html. This needs to go just before the </BODY> tag.

                      <form style="display:none" name="utmform">
                      <textarea id="utmtrans"></textarea>
                      <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                      var realprice = NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTAL / 100;
                      var line1 = 'UTM:T|NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER|affiliation|' + realprice + '|tax|shipping|city|state|NETQUOTEVAR:INVOICECOUNTRY';
                      document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;

                      5) Now you need to set up your Receipt goal in Google Analytics. You can call it what you like. I call mine 'Receipt'.

                      Goal Name: Receipt
                      Goal URL: /receipt.html

                      ...check the ACTIVE GOAL checkbox to ON

                      Step 1 URL:
                      Step 1 Name: Basket

                      ...the Step 1 part is optional but it's useful to know that someone went to their basket. If you use this, tick the REQUIRED STEP checkbox. Don't forget to change to your own site.

                      NOTE: If your cgi-bin directory has a different name you'll need to change this accordingly. Also if your script number is different you'll need to change this too. (eg

                      Set Match Type to HEAD
                      Set Goal value to 0

                      Lastly you need to go into your Google Analytics Profile Settings and set E-COMMERCE WEBSITE to YES.

                      That's it. Leave it a day or two while Google collects data then check to see if it's working.

                      Added 20/07/06:
                      WARNING: If you are using your own secure server (not Actinic's Shared SSL) for the checkout pages, additional steps may be required. Your visitors may be presented with security warnings if you do not complete these additional steps. Further details can be found in the Google Analytics Help:


                      Be sure to test your checkout process carefully after making any changes.



                        Hi Jon,

                        It's basically the same but instead of placing the code in the Act_xxxx.html templates you need to place it in the relevant 'Layouts'. Once you become familiar with V8 it shouldn't be too difficult to work out. I have this working on a V8 site but I haven't yet had time to write up the steps.


                          Thanks for the reply

                          One thing, I seem to be missing the following code in the recipt layout



                            Yeah, V8 doesn't use NETQUOTEVARS.

                            Just edit your body tag in the receipt page as follows:

                            <body OnLoad="javascript:__utmSetTrans();">

                            You'll also need to replace any other NETQUOTEVARS with the corresponding V8 variable.


                              so I have to change <body>


                              <body OnLoad="javascript:__utmSetTrans();">


                                Correct. :-)

