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V9 the slowness of.

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    V9 the slowness of.

    I have used V7 for the last few years, great piece of software.
    My site offers technical products for the manufacturing industry wnd the range is wide and deep.
    One of the advantages I had was that I could add a product to my site within 20 minutes to allow a customer to order it.
    I just upgraded to V9 and that advantage has gone as it can take up to 3 hours to upgrade my site.
    Is it me or does anyone else think it strange to purchase an updated software package that it slower than all it predecessors.
    I also had to pay someone to upgrade V7 to V9 again is it a case that there is some aspect of the "Emporers New Clothes" here or is it that you have to become a developer to understand whether this is a good buy or not.
    I have noticed some advice from Actinic which basically states "shut down some of the features of V9 to make it faster" which basically gets me back to V7.
    Nice piece of software for designers but maybe not for poeple who just want to use it....

    Hi Chris

    With v8 we changed the way pages are generated, which allows a lot more design flexibility, but unfortunately had the side-effect of causing Actinic to take longer to generate and upload pages.

    In a few weeks we'll be releasing 9.0.3 which includes many new fixes to address these performance issues. We've been testing it over the last couple of months which a few large customer snapshots and have found the time taken to generate and upload these sites to dramatically reduce, and hopefully you will also see this improvement.


      20 mins to 3 hours would tell me there is something wrong with the code, most likely caused through the upgrade process. V8 was slower than V7, as V9 is now slower than V8. It is mainly driven by the additional features as they add resource, which you can switch off if not required. V9 is also scheduled to have some quite significant speed improvements in the near future.


        I have checked the site on my machine and it doesn't seem to be as slow as on Chris's so I am not sure if this is due to the specifications of his computer.


          Originally posted by peblaco View Post
          I have checked the site on my machine and it doesn't seem to be as slow as on Chris's so I am not sure if this is due to the specifications of his computer.
          Ive seen this too, an old system being used and it appears to be actinic running slow, when in fact a beefy machine can cut the process down by 75% or more. Software is just like computer games, specs need to be improving to run it, i'm sure we all recall the famous memory quote from Bill Gates.


            i'm sure we all recall the famous memory quote from Bill Gates.


              "640K ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates, 1981


                Just a thought....

                Could some of this be a case of the new product also being added to the 'Latest Products' panel and therefore updating every page of the site?

                (In which case, turn it off).

       - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


                  Wow, quick responses.
                  Please note my issue is the vast difference in the speed of use of Actinic V9 Business Plus in comparison to Act. V7
                  For information my system is Hewlet Packard A6150.UK, Processor Intel(R) Core2 Quad Core CPU, 4gb RAM.
                  The software is just not fit for pupose, I uploaded my last V7 site last week it took 20 mins, today it takes 3+ hours.
                  I note that Actinic say that maybe the next patch will make it quicker which I feel is a bit of a limp wristed statement.
                  Sorry if I seem a bit unfair but I am over £1000 out of pocket and my site is a mess I have orders coming out of my ears from customers phoning me and I have to wait until the upload is fininshed to enter new items that have been ordered and upload again,,,,frustration does not come close to describing the situation I am in.
                  Maybe when It stops uploading I can add the marketing features that led me to buy this item,,,,but I have a sneaky feeling that may slow things down a bit.....


                    I did similar tests with a similar spec machine and had the same results as you TBH. Coming from v7 stright to v9 is the worst possible case as v9 is sooooo much slower. The unreliability of snapshots in v9 has now stopped me developing in the software.


                      Thanks Mal,,,,,you can see more of the Emporer than you would like therefore I am not alone....CC


                        you can see more of the Emporer than you would like
                        I can see far too much


                          Who on earth develops "Slower Software" these days,,,,,probably aimed at Bill Gates statement.....


                            Who on earth develops "Slower Software" these days
                            Ahhh - wait for ie8


                              Originally posted by Chris Curness View Post
                              customers phoning me and I have to wait until the upload is fininshed to enter new items that have been ordered and upload again
                              Is the offline MOTO order form no use to you? It is aimed at taking telephone orders.

                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

