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Daves guide to Google Analytics with Actinic

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    Many Thanks


      Google Analytics Settings

      I have followed Dave's instructions to get Analytics working but am unsure about a couple of points when it comes to setting goals in the Analytics settings on Google.
      Sorry to appear a bit thick on this but as each orders' receipt page is generated with different order numbers etc how do you specify a generic URL?
      Dave says to specify a goal URL , I presume the receipt page, but would I enter as the correct URL for the receipt page?

      I think I understand the rest of the process but this has me a bit stumped.
      Many thanks

      Simon Bridges
      Simon Bridges
      Alex Reade World of Motosport


        Hi Simon.

        As long as you've used 'receipt.html' in the call to urchinTracker() in step 2 of my original post then the goal URL for your receipt should be:


        The file receipt.html doesn't actually exist. It's used (by urchinTracker) as a trigger to tell Analytics that the receipt page has been reached. You can't use the actual URL of the receipt page because it isn't unique. The receipt page is dynamically generated and has the same URL as the other checkout pages.

        Act_ReceiptPrimary.html is a template file that Actinic uses to generate the receipt page. It's not the URL of the receipt page.



          OK have just found Eileens post about inserting code int0 Act_Order01-04 so I presume that my goal URl should be
          Simon Bridges
          Alex Reade World of Motosport


            Dave you are a star, thanks. I will change the goal url to receipt.html , please ignore my last post, I was just guessing really!
            Many thanks for all your help with analytics and the logical 'non technical' way you have explained things.
            Best regards

            Simon Bridges
            Simon Bridges
            Alex Reade World of Motosport


              Correct google analytic code for V8

              Hi I am concerned that Daves code containing the NETQUOTEVARS is not correct to use with V8. Can someone from actinic amend Daves code and re-post it here so that the NETQUOTEVARS are replaced by the correct actinic variables please.

              I would have expected something this useful to have been put in the advanced user guide, but I couldn't find it.

              Thanks Dave and everyone for the great work in this thread.


                Originally posted by dazzerb
                Hi I am concerned that Daves code containing the NETQUOTEVARS is not correct to use with V8. Can someone from actinic amend Daves code and re-post it here so that the NETQUOTEVARS are replaced by the correct actinic variables please.

                I would have expected something this useful to have been put in the advanced user guide, but I couldn't find it.

                Thanks Dave and everyone for the great work in this thread.
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                  I have followed Dave's instructions but Google still says "The Google Analytics tracking code has not been detected on your web site's home page"

                  Looking at the source code I can see the code fine.

                  The one thing that I noticed is that Dave's instructions state to put the code in the Head section, but Google states to put it just before the </body> tag.

                  Anybody know why it is not working for me and if the different position plays a part?

                  Products for DJs and the entertainment industry


                    3) Edit the Onload control in the <BODY> tag of Act_ReceiptPrimary.html to include javascript:__utmSetTrans().

                    For example:


                    should look like this afterwards...

                    OnLoad="NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD ; javascript:__utmSetTrans() ;"
                    I can't see this on your brochure index


                      As you show in the quote from Dave's instructions

                      Edit the Onload control in the <BODY> tag of Act_ReceiptPrimary.html
                      I can change the brochure index html as well if needed.

                      Products for DJs and the entertainment industry


                        Edit the Onload control in the <BODY> tag of Act_ReceiptPrimary.html
                        won't solve
                        tracking code has not been detected on your web site's home page
                        so you may want to...
                        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                          Originally posted by domino1
                          Hi Donna.
                          There's a small problem in your code. It's a very subtle one but enough to stop it from working...

                          On the following line, the 'var' must all be lower case. Yours has a capital v.

                          Var line2 = 'UTM:I|DK72YN10000727|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME|category|price|quantity';
                          document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;

                          Also, it looks like your </BODY> and </HTML> tags are the wrong way round.
                          The </BODY> close tag should be before the </HTML> close tag. This won't be anything to do with the problem but you should probably correct it.

                          Good luck!

                          Thanks to Pinbrook and wjcampbe I have now got this mostly working but I now think that I have exactly the same problem as Donna had (but not the same cause). Google is showing the number of transactions, the transaction value but zero purchased products.

                          I have attached my receipt code below

                          <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Next Generation Technologies Receipt</TITLE><BASE HREF=""><META NAME="ACTINICTITLE" CONTENT="Receipt"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="ActinicKey" CONTENT="6ff6be660d5e9c346cac4278f8cbc7880"><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="accxecom5"> <LINK REL=STYLESHEET HREF="actinic.css"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actiniccore.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-1027123-2";urchinTracker('receipt.html');</script></HEAD><BODY BACKGROUND="background1.gif" OnLoad="PreloadImages() ; javascript:__utmSetTrans() ;" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#000000" VLINK="#336633" ALINK="#996600" marginwidth="5" marginheight="5"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"><tr><td valign="top"><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" WIDTH="600" ALIGN="CENTER"><TR><TD VALIGN="MIDDLE" ALIGN="LEFT" > <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/cgi-bin/" ><A NAME="top"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=RANDOM VALUE="0.236291980910213"></A> <Actinic:NOWSERVING/> <Actinic:CURRACCOUNT/><Actinic:LOGOUT_SIMPLE/><br> <SPAN CLASS="actxsmall"></SPAN> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=REFPAGE VALUE="">
                          <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="5" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="600" ALIGN="CENTER"><tr><td bgcolor="#ff3910"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><strong>This is your receipt</strong></td><td align="right"><strong>This is not a tax invoice</strong></td></tr></table></td></tr><TR><TD CLASS="actxsmall"> Print this page and keep it for your records. If you need to contact us, refer to the "Order Number" below. <P> <BR><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT CELLPADDING=2><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> Mr&nbsp;Richard&nbsp;Clayton<BR> Managing&nbsp;Director<BR> Next&nbsp;Generation&nbsp;Technologies<BR> 271&nbsp;London&nbsp;Road<BR> Chippenham<BR> Wiltshire<BR> SN15&nbsp;3AS<BR> United&nbsp;Kingdom<BR></TD><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> Phone&nbsp;0845&nbsp;4266968<BR> Fax&nbsp;0870&nbsp;762&nbsp;5958<BR> Email: <A HREF=""></A><BR> URL: <A HREF=""></A><BR></TD></TR></TABLE><BR CLEAR=ALL><BR><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="570"><TR><TH BGCOLOR="#ff3910" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Invoice Address:</SPAN></TH><TH BGCOLOR="#ff3910" WIDTH="50%"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Deliver To:</SPAN></TH></TR><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="2"><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> Richard Clayton<BR>
                          271&nbsp;London&nbsp;Road<BR> Chippenham<BR> SN15&nbsp;3AS<BR> United&nbsp;Kingdom<BR> Phone:&nbsp;01249&nbsp;446143<BR> Email:&nbsp;<BR> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD><TD VALIGN="TOP" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="2"><TR><TD VALIGN="TOP" CLASS="actxsmall"> Richard Clayton<BR>
                          271&nbsp;London&nbsp;Road<BR> Chippenham<BR> SN15&nbsp;3AS<BR> United&nbsp;Kingdom<BR> Phone:&nbsp;01249&nbsp;446143<BR> Email:&nbsp;<BR> </TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR> </TABLE><BR><TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="570"><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ff3910" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Date:</B></TD><td BGCOLOR="#ffffcc" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">18 June 2007</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ff3910" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Order Number:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">RC53AS10000004</TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ff3910" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Payment method:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">Cheque / Cash sent before delivery</TD></TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#ff3910" CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Terms and Conditions:</B></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc" COLSPAN=2 CLASS="actxsmall">Accepted</TD></TR> </TABLE><BR> <P><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall"><B>Shopping Cart (Prices in British Pounds)</B></SPAN><TABLE NOBORDER><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH="600" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="2" ALIGN=CENTER><TR> <TH BGCOLOR="#ff3910" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=300><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">DESCRIPTION</SPAN></TH><TH BGCOLOR="#ff3910" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=80><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">QUANTITY</SPAN></TH> <TH BGCOLOR="#ff3910" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=60><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">PRICE</SPAN></TH><TH BGCOLOR="#ff3910" ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=60><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">COST</SPAN></TH> </TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><TABLE BORDER=0 WIDTH=100% CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0><TR> <TD WIDTH=280><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Afterglow Magic USB DMX Cable 3-Pin</SPAN></TD><TD WIDTH=60 ALIGN=RIGHT><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">1</SPAN></TD></TR></TABLE></TD> <TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">£59.56</SPAN></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">£59.56</SPAN></TD> </TR><TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="3"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Subtotal</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">£59.56</SPAN></TD> </TR> <TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="3"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Shipping (Royal Mail Special Delivery)</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">£5.75</SPAN></TD> </TR><TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="3"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">VAT</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">£11.43</SPAN></TD> </TR><TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT COLSPAN="3"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">Total</SPAN></B></TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT BGCOLOR="#ff3910"><B><SPAN CLASS="actxsmall">£76.74</SPAN></B></TD> </TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE> </TD></TR></TABLE><BR><DIV ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=HOME VALUE="shop.html"><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=ACTION VALUE="Done"><BR></DIV> <br><br> </FORM></TD></TR></TABLE></td></tr></table></td></tr></table><form name="utmform"><textarea id="utmtrans"></textarea></form><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--var realprice = 7674 / 100;var line1 = 'UTM:T|RC53AS10000004|affiliation|' + realprice + '|tax|shipping|city|state|United&nbsp;Kingdom<BR>';var line2 = 'UTM:I|RC53AS10000004|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTREFERENCE|NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME|category|price|quantity';document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;//--></script></BODY></HTML>

                          With the style="display:none" removed as suggested before, the form displayed is just empty so I don’t believe that any information is being passed to Google.

                          If anyone can spot the reason I would be grateful as I cannot see anything wrong.

                          Products for DJs and the entertainment industry


                            Hi Richard.
                            Are you expecting to see a breakdown of the products with each order in your analytics report? If so this will not work without the addition of further code. The reason is that NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME is not actually a valid field on the receipt page.

                            There is some discussion further back in this thread about how this may be acheived but I've not yet implemented this. Take a look at An Qi's post.

                            By the way, the javascript:__utmSetTrans() bit is only required in the receipt page (assuming this is your goal) and not on all your pages.

                            Hope this helps.



                              Originally posted by domino1
                              Hi Richard.
                              Are you expecting to see a breakdown of the products with each order in your analytics report? If so this will not work without the addition of further code. The reason is that NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME is not actually a valid field on the receipt page.

                              There is some discussion further back in this thread about how this may be acheived but I've not yet implemented this. Take a look at An Qi's post.

                              By the way, the javascript:__utmSetTrans() bit is only required in the receipt page (assuming this is your goal) and not on all your pages.

                              Hope this helps.

                              Thanks for replying Dave.

                              I have implemented the code in paulhesford's post (post 57) because I could not relate the code in anqi's post to the code in my order04 page. I am reasonable familiar with HTML but I just could not work out where the bits needed to go and paulhesford's post was clearer and I like the idea of not needing to modify a page after upload.

                              The only bit I was not sure about was the reference to see the data that is being sent to google as I still get an empty form when I implement that code.

                              The one change I did to pauls code was to replace STOCK BAGS with NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME but Google is still showing 0 products sold although the transaction values are correct.

                              I am sure that I am close to getting this working but probably missing something simple.

                              I am grateful for all the help I have already got from this forum and there are certainly some cleaver people out there.

                              Products for DJs and the entertainment industry


                                Nearly there

                                Amazing thread, thanks to all those you have saved me hours and hours already.

                                I have a last couple of questions before attempting to get this up and running.

                                I run Actinic 7 and Worldpay so I have set up my GATC as all secure as I understand this runs for all pages and have included _udn="none";
                                _ulink=1; but I can't see how to also use the __utmLinkPost() function to carry across the cookie data. I think I need to modify the Actinic page element that calls the jump across to the Worldpay server from my own site but I can't see which one it is.

                                The only example I could find was the FORM example in which the file act_OCCNochexTemplate.html was modified but I don't have this file as I use WP not Nochex. I really don't want to generate a bunch of warning messages while I get this right!

                                Can anyone help?

                                Also I have had tracking for Google Adwords conversion, Overture, Microsoft, split testing and Web-Stats and my affiliate scheme running in Order04 for several years. As far as I know uploading this via Act_ordero4 hasn't caused a problem in the past so is it necessary to add GATC after upload each time? Should I really be adding all this <script>s after upload each time?

                                If you are adopting Anqi's suggested additional code to order 04 to get more data transferred into GA do you still place the code into Act_ReceiptPrimary.html as per Dave's Step 4) or would this be duplication?

                                Thanks to everyone.

