The QUANTITY variable works OK within a script on the checkout pages whre it is simply a text field. However, in the Basket, NETQUOTEVAR:QUANTITY is replaced by something like:
<SPAN CLASS="actxsmall" id="xxxxx_QTY"><INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE="4" NAME="Q_0" VALUE="1" STYLE="text-align: right;">
This results in a javascript error on the basket page as the script sees a closing " and then expects a ;
Any ideas?
ActiveStock On-line, real-time stock control plug-in for Actinic V7, V8 and V9 **New - Captcha plug-in for your Contact Us form** ActiveStock website Free 30 Day Trial ActiveStock Blog (including a new tutorial on a 'Sort By' function for long section pages)
Hi, I'm trying to use Paul's code (editing act_shoppingcartxml rather then order04) on a site that has been recently built.
GA is showing transactions with total costs and goals but nothing specific to products.
I have removed the "display:none;" and can see the following form on my receipt
Each section of the Act_ShoppingCartXML.html template can only see certain NETQUOTEVAR variables, so this bit needs to go just before "<!-- Order line end -->"
ActiveStock On-line, real-time stock control plug-in for Actinic V7, V8 and V9 **New - Captcha plug-in for your Contact Us form** ActiveStock website Free 30 Day Trial ActiveStock Blog (including a new tutorial on a 'Sort By' function for long section pages)
I've just joined the community and have done a search on adding Google Analytics. This thread has some brilliant tips - thanks all.
However, it's still all a bit much for a newbie and I haven't plucked up the courage to do it myself. Is there anyone out there that can do it for me (for a fee of course)? I asked Actninic and they advised I ask on the community.
If so, feel free to contact me off-line (I think is the correct procedure?)
Hopefully, as my experience grows I will be able to give some advice and tips myself which I look forward to being able to do.
Again, many thanks for this great community of Actininc users!
hi after reading a few things to do with google analytics and i see for it to work properly that i would have to re-upload my order04 file each time else i would loose the data feed through to google, i tried adding the altered info to Act_ShoppingCartXML.html but the right information wasnt passed to google.
Has anyone sorted the problem of order04 file, from what i read you couldnt add this to act_order04 because it would send google wrong. has anyone got any info on this ? from the info i have seen that it sends to google its really going to be handy, could i add a downloaded edited copy of order04 and it to my additional files for actinic to upload? or would actinic upload that then over write it with its newer version ?
hope you all had a good xmas and didnt eat to much
Any idea when that will be? That would be very useful.
I've been paying out £500 pcm to Google Adwords for the last 4 months without being able to track properly!
PPC brings me about 90% of my business as it's a new site and SEO takes time to build up so I started with PPC.