I think it's time to draw a line under this thread. Eveyone's got different opinions on the topic and it's beginging to spill over into other threads, which will not be good for any new members searching the forum.
We could talk and talk about what we think is acceptable and unacceptable and Actinic are never going to keep everyone happy, so you have to go with the majority.
For what it's worth I liken joining forums to moving to a new area or starting a new job. You'll see and hear things that you don't like or necessarily agree with, but you wait until your a bit more established before pulling someone up on their comments. That way you get to know the other members more, what kind of community you're involved with.
I stand by my earlier comments force new memebers to read a minimum number of threads before they can post anything. This way they'll have a good understanding of how things work and what people are like. Hell they may even find the answer to there problems.
We could talk and talk about what we think is acceptable and unacceptable and Actinic are never going to keep everyone happy, so you have to go with the majority.
For what it's worth I liken joining forums to moving to a new area or starting a new job. You'll see and hear things that you don't like or necessarily agree with, but you wait until your a bit more established before pulling someone up on their comments. That way you get to know the other members more, what kind of community you're involved with.
I stand by my earlier comments force new memebers to read a minimum number of threads before they can post anything. This way they'll have a good understanding of how things work and what people are like. Hell they may even find the answer to there problems.